Friday, January 23, 2009


hmmm..bagi aku...biskut fames ames yg paling menawan seantero dunie ni la yg bwat aku meleleh air liur memakannye...tapi aku nak share nie...

so pasni smua kenela berhati2...biskut nie xleh dimkn kerna mengandungi "bacterial salmonella" dlm kacangnye....huhu..BERHENTILA KORUNK DARI MEMAKANNYE...dats y la ia amat lazat...

-COOKIE SCARE- dipetik dari NEWSPAPER N.S.T (23/1/09)

PUTRAJAYA: Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie Corp (M) Sdn Bhd has recalled the dough used in its peanut butter and peanut paste over fears of bacterial contamination.

The Health Ministry's pharmaceutical services director Eisah A. Rahman said ministry officials conducted an investigation and found that the company used dough which was imported from Peanut Corporation of America (PCA).

"The dough is used in three of its outlets at the Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Sungai Wang and Kuala Lumpur International Airport."

Salmonella can cause serious infection and lead to fatality, especially among children and elderly people with weak immune systems (immuno-compromised).Symptoms of salmonella infection include fever, diarrhoea and stomach ache. Infections could lead to septicaemia, endocarditis (infection of the veins) and arthritis.

It was reported that more than 470 people fell sick in the US and at least 90 had to be hospitalised.


j-u-n-e said...

ish ish lame tak mkn famous amous tu.. kempunan plakkk.. sedaapppppp~

Asmadiana Alias said...

betolke ni nandos? sure??

Juz call me Star said...

haha.. nasib aku x layan choc ni

nAndOsDorChArD said...

pastilorrr..da kuar dlm newspaper..xkanla mau tipu..huhu

mmg sgt sedap pon bizkut nie..

paCat said...

patut la wanda xbetol, die salu paw benda ni kt aku...

padan muka ~ hahahaha

nAndOsDorChArD said...

haha..slalu pow dkat ko?? then ko pon mam skali..due kali lime la kot..cume ko nie still ditahap tekawal.. ngehehe..


sy suke.... sy takleh mkn ag ya...seday nye...adeh...